Miniprisma RSMP380M für Gleismonitoring

Fixed Point for GPS and GNSS


Advantages of using the RS090M in conjunction with GPS and GNSS: 

  • Simplified measurement of fixed points for the total station or laser scanner (georeferencing) using GNSS (if an accuracy of less than 1 cm is sufficient)
  • No hammering in nails. Use the RSFP-X90 to RSFP-X99 fixed point system instead. This provides many more mounting options compared with conventional nails:
    - Glue
    - Screw
    - Magnet
  • Fixed points can also be measured on vertical objects (e.g. walls) using tilt GNSS
  • Continuous work flow of different measuring techniques: GNSS – laser scan/LiDAR – photogrammetry – manual and motorised total station – laser tools (line laser and rotating laser) 

Offset: 0
tilting axis height: 45 mm

Fixed Point RSFP-X90 on the floor

RS090M on RSFP-X90

RSMP390M on RSFP-X90

RSMP390M view through the instrument

RS090M on the wall

RS090M on the wall


RS090M on magnetic base

Result of positioning


Dimensioning file RS090M for download.
Here you find a dimensioning file for each RS product